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Showing posts from January, 2024

Hire a wedding singer on the Gold Coast - Our list of wedding crooners and wedding singer listings

Have you seen the movie "The Wedding Singer" We don't think that's a great representation of all wedding crooners and songstresses by the way. Although most people would have an idea of what a wedding singer does - they sing wedding songs. We firmly believe that at a wedding, being serenaded by a beautiful voice, singing melodies to the gathering, is, well, special. There really isn't a much better way to get married. Achingly beautiful words of love, romance and forever, wafting through the crowds on a voice that sounds like a small piece of Heaven.... That said, there is definitely some fun to be had with the wedding singer concept.  Here's one take on it.... Once upon a time, in the land of Love and Matrimony, wedding singers emerged as the enchanting troubadours of celebration. Long before Spotify and iTunes, these minstrels serenaded guests with live music, filling the air with melodies of joy and romance. Historically, wedding singers were a cherished pa